
Duma Optoronics 190 ~ 1600 nm対応 ビームプロファイラー BeamOn WSR

Beam On Wide Spectral Range

追加のコーティングをすることなく、 190 nm ~ 1600 nm の幅広い波長範囲に対応するビームプロファイラです。

model BeamOn UV-NIR; 対応波長 190~1600 nm
model BeamOn VIS-NIR; 対応波長 350~1600 nm


※ 1600 nm 以上についても開発中です。ご興味がある方はご相談ください。

Camera type
WSR Wide Spectral Range CCD ½” format
Sensor active area
6.47mm wide x 4.83mm high.
Pixel size
8.6 µm (H) x 8.3 µm (V)
80mm x 78.5mm x 49mm.
CCD focal position
17.7mm betwee sensor and filter in filter wheel
Spectral response:
BeamOn UV-NIR                  190 - 1600nm
BeamOn VIS-NIR                  350 - 1600nm
400 gr. with cable
Power consumption
5V / 0.6A through USB 2.0 port
Accessories included:
one IR-Edge filter. (removable)
Equipped with a built-in filter wheel, with 4xND 2mm thick filters.
One x 8/32 threaded mounting hole, one post
Dynamic range
Up to 10 15 using all filters and software controlled electronic shutter and gain.
Shutter speed
1/50x256sec to 1/100,000 sec, 17 steps manually, or automatic.
Software controlled gain
6dB to 41dB, 2dB steps manually, or automatic.
Maximum frame rate
25Hz, excluding slow shutter operation.
160 µW/cm² at 1500nm  shuttter x 256
Saturation intensity:
1mW/cm² at 633nm with no filters  installed
Damage threshold
50W/cm² or 1J/cm² with all filters installed
Null function is available to automatically substract background
Operation with pulsed lasers:
Ability to capture and replay images from  slowly pulsing laser (1-100Hz) while filtering out frames with no laser pulse. Gain control and external filter make it easy to obtain optimal intensity.
In pulsed mode set threshold by slide bar to display frames with captured pulses.
Image resolution:
720 x 576

(YouTube Video) 
Duma Optronics- Straightness Measurement